Senorita Jakita – Intro to a Hot Dog

Do you see the gleam in my eyes and the wildly divergent shades of black tipped silver, gold, beige, and browns with a white shirt. Look at those creamy paws and that feathery tail -Do I look 'mavellous dawling'?
Do you see the gleam in my eyes and the wildly divergent shades of black tipped silver, gold, beige, and browns with a white shirt. Look at those creamy paws and that feathery tail – Do I look ‘marvellous darling’?

Hi New Friends: I am  Senorita Jakita  – AKA:   Cuddle-Wuddle-Double- Trouble, Itsy-Bitsy-Baby- Boo or Jakita-Boo- Couchie-Coo         Residence: Jakitaville, Canada                   Position Held: Little Miss Senorita Jakita Breed: Havanese                                     Born: Feb.2, 2010                             Weight:  A Lady Never Tells…

Do you mind, please indulge me, just so you get to know me. This is the story of the protagonist,  Jakita, descended from a fine line of designer dogs, (nod, nod, wink, wink) as shared by my Forever Family and with my fellow Pets, and Wildlife (mostly antagonists), Vets, Emergency Doctors, an Internist and, oh yeah, a dog like me, needs a Naturopath.  So listen and learn – what you see is maybe not all you get. Do ya think I have them wrapped around my little paw-paw or are they too puppy-savvy for that? You be the judge.

I admit I have a Type A Personality with Excessive High Alert when on Prednisone.  Also, my head seems to be on 360 degree swivel tilt – I  see, feel, hear everything.  For example on walks, I hear, see, feel people coming up, at any angle. I will stop, move over, only continuing once any potential threat has passed. No one is to follow me. My paranoia demands that I must control the situation.

The first night at my new home I was so stressed to leave the litter, I panted, my heart raced a hundred miles an hour but I was compliant, settling down to sleep in my  cage. I was taken to the Vet within 2 days of coming home. I was / am EASILY trained both at housebreaking and or tricks but did not seem to like people too much from lack of socialization. Every human just said ‘No’, continually bathed, wiped my paws, cleaned my ears, or bossed me around.  My two brothers & sister were much more fun. They did not give me such a rigid routine to follow and liked getting in trouble with me.

Momma says some times we can not help our rash depends on the alignment of the planets on the day you are born...apparently Zanny's chart was capricious.
Momma says some times we can not help our rash behavior…it depends on the alignment of the planets on the day you are born…

Momma, being obsessively Virgo Analytical had to do Dog IQ test on me & the result from the tests, string over head, follow ball etc.,  reported I was brilliant and she was just lucky I liked her. She laughed out loud because when she first  brought me home, she felt my indifference and she was right, as always. I did not like her but over time, as I saw her soul (and she fed me) that has changed. I mean Havanese came from Europe (Spain and France) to Cuba, with  generations of my ancestors considering Momma ‘s type hopeless gringos and / or square heads, so I had some attitude adjusting to contemplate if this was my destiny long-term. More importantly, now, I am older and wiser.

I have become very sociable with people, kids, and some other pets.  I am a neighbor hood favourite and definitely  like people better than dogs, especially big dogs who give off bad energy. I avoid them like the plague. I love to tussle with our cats in a no winner, end up kissing, routine.  After all, they are my responsibility – if they need out, I bark for Momma to open the door.  If they are sick, I lay with them, but still,  if they jump on the table I tattle on them.  It is a big job.

Although Momma says I am a dominant Alpha Dog, I prefer  how  my Naturopath Doctor says I am the Ultimate Earth Dog, responsible for the security and well-being of all within my circle of influence. So,  it is time to tell how I got the honor of having our Pet Sanctuary, named Jakitaville, after me. Could it be that my  Alpha Dog personality played a role in it?  No, really it was simple – Momma & Daddy (RIP) had a slew of pets over the years, loosely set up  like a well run commune, everyone had a say, which meant since puppies were outnumbered, kitties ruled and smirked behind their clawed paws. I know how  those Cat Colonies operate. All of our cats had been feral foundlings at one time (like we all descended from Adam and Eve, no matter our high brow ways), but were just enormously lucky to have crossed paths with Momma – OK, me too.  But they were not  ‘to the manor’ born, and I know, I know, I may be the product of a,  gasp!  – Puppy Mill, but at least there was a record kept of who my Baby Momma and Baby Daddy were. My blood was bluer than the cats. On top of that I not only stepped up to the podium, I owned it.  I told our Indoor,  Indoor/Outdoor Cats, you might as well get used to it, Momma is going to nurture Cats from the Colony, Squirrels, Raccoons, even the Bunnies that raid the lettuce from the garden and of course that  lonely possum who hangs upside down in the tree at night.

As Senorita Jakita of Jakitaville, I am constructing  a Policy and Procedure Handbook of All Creation, (it is underway as we speak),  in which I promise to keep all vermin out of the back yard by chasing, barking, snarling and nipping, when nothing else works. Mind you, those Colony cats persevere, through floods, blizzards and  Arctic vortexes. They will hang around for shelter and food, knowing if Momma catches me being inhospitable, she will command me to cease and desist.

All you need to know about it is contained between these covers!
All you need to know about it is contained between these covers!

Sometimes I fear Momma will never even open the ‘Policies and Procedures Handbook of All Creation’ that I am writing. She says, she does, ‘cute idea, but not going to fly’ .

Knowing Momma’s propensity to not recognize ‘genius’, she probably would have told Mark Zuckerberg the same thing about Facebook.