Watcher on the Wall

Owning the Podium....
Owning the Podium….

Just to look at me, you probably think I look more like a Maple Leaf ‘If you can beat ‘em in the alleys, you can beat ‘em on the ice’ kind of Tom Cat. But no… I am a PonderingWonderingEinstein Cat….and trust me…I got the War Wounds to prove it…a slit ear, scars on my chest where fur no longer grows, a miss shaped paw, even a toe nail that seems to be permanently retracted….but if challenged to a duel, no testosterone driven Tom Cat can refuse and keep their pride intact…

I try so hard....
I try so hard….

you with me?

However, what you see is not what you get…I am more of a Cat Nerd than a Cat Terminator….and the older I get, the more I don’t do…like…Snow Days, Rain Days, the  Arctic Vortex Days of Winter, the Hot as Hades Days of Summer…give me the gentle Breezes of Spring and the Golden Autumn… that is when I come alive, breath deeply, live life to the fullest…or at least as well as a Pondering-WonderingEinstein Cat can do.

That is why I have a complaint and it is a legitimate beef, effecting not only the Four Footed but the Two Footed who feed us, nurture us, ♥ us…You know the unwritten contract of sustaining life, passed down through the generations of Evolution leading to Revolution to finally Solution…It has given all Creation, optimistic little flowers that push up faithfully, tiny leaves that bud on trees, year after year, the Two and Four Footed…Everyone God… All of us fell into a dreadful cabin fever fugue because Spring got Tsunamied by a Massive Barrier of Ice and Snow, as if we are living and dying in the End Times of Game of Thrones.

So come on…snow in December, brings great cheer, snow in January, expected here, snow in February, you’re almost there, snow in March, you start to sneerbut snow in April, best say a prayergot it…but don’t want it, okay????

Now Winter came and Winter went (at least according to the Gregorian Calendar dates) and way past the middle of April and what was that…..What was that???

So doomed.....
So doomed…..

Well, simply put, worse than A Nightmare on Elm Street…two inches of Snow, on two inches of Ice, on Snow topped by, you got it…a four inch layer of Ice.  I lost control (that retracted toe nail and miss shaped paw do nothing for balance) the minute I stepped out the door, sliding down the steps like I was on a Magic Carpet Ride…that does little for your dignity in the eyes of the other two cats, smirking behind clawed paws, as they watched from the window.  At least I tried.

But no, it is not only me.  Step 1) I saw Momma bring her winter boots out of storage, get locked and loaded, her against Mother Nature, a Salt Can to sprinkle kitty litter and salt as if she had holy water to disperse and dispense the ice, tiptoe up to the garage, walking cautiously like it was her first time on a snow board, expecting to wipe out any second…but somehow (I guess because she cheats…)… she has The Weather Channel on her iPhone and understood the risk) she made it to the garage.

Step 2) Now it was time to get the car down the unplowed drive to the unplowed streets…no, not happening….it worked for maybe six feet….and then the tires, gathering snow and hard ice as they proceeded, just spun, like the wheels of the bus that go round and round.  Seems like Momma was going nowhere till the snow and ice melt, if it melts.    I mean all winter long…the car did not get stuck …. a month in to spring …are we doomed… in for the long haul…It is getting mighty serious when even churches cancel services…are you listening, Sweet Jesus?  That is no way to tend the flocks….

What's this all about? From: Morguefile By: Earl53
What’s this all about? From: Morguefile By: Earl53

Momma  hears the Talking Heads say… it is hotter because of Global Warming… it is colder…it is wetter…it is drier….because of Global Warming… but me… the Pondering-WonderingEinstein, …

We’ve taken no oaths…but as if in Game of Thrones….We are the Watchers on the Wall, as our climate changes unfold before us….

God’s Plans, God’s Plans

You know, Momma is something of a Collector…No, she wasn’t born that way but somewhere along the Path of Life she developed some hard to kick addiction of collecting.

When Momma was a young adult, she said her Motto was more ‘When-in-Doubt-Throw-It-Out’…now it is more like, ‘When-in-Doubt, Keep-It,-Keep-It, Never-Know-When-You-May-Need-It’…much to Wonder Boy’s chagrin.

Bye Bye Earthly Possesions
Bye Bye Earthly possessions

Momma swears the very day she dies, Wonder Boy will be on the phone renting a 20 yard bin dumpster and just throw all of poor Momma’s addictions in…because, well he is not the sentimental type and what do you want him to do with it….haul it around till his death so his kids have to dispose of it?  Fair question…No answer.

As a child, Momma had one addiction…dolls….she could get them for her birthdays, or wait till Santie Claus left them under the Christmas Tree.  She even loved the second-hand pass them down dolls that came her way.  As she spent long hours, playing with her dolls, she day dreamed of meeting the Perfect Handsome Man (of course), getting married (they did that in ‘The Day’ 🙂) and having sweet little beautiful, smart babies.

Some of Momma's dollies...
Some of Momma’s dollies…

However, Momma is a Virgo so she had to have a plan…not just one baby because then she might spoil him or her ….and that is just an abomination to bring a self-serving narcissist in to the world….although, no matter how you slice, with Grandmama as her mother, it wasn’t in her blood to spoil a child.

Life doesn’t always hand you what you planned for….a Man, Check, a Marriage Check, a Baby, No Check. Instead Momma received the Curse of Infertility.  Lots of treatment, many tears, many years, no babies….but in a flash, changes can occur….but not the way Momma planned….no, it was the Gods Plan that was rolled out.

That, Virginia is how, Momma and Daddy, ended up with a 15-year-old daughter (sorta-kinda), the Run Away Princess, one cold, grey, October day.  She had run away from home and would not return to her parents but she would live with her Aunt and Uncle… RIP Daddy and Momma because….they were cool (lol says Wonder Boy). Don’t get me wrong…the Run Away Princess  adored her father….but her mother was… well, hardcore and since the Run Away Princess was a Leo born in the Year of the Fire Horse well East met West and my way or the highway and the highway it was.

Momma and the SuperKid many moons ago...
Momma and the Super Kid many moons ago…

And so it was a great surprise, when after so many years of trying in vain, Wonder Boy, at his own time, on his own schedule, meandered in across the finish line, causing much disbelief and joy… like the same day the Run Away Princess arrived, bag and lots of baggage, on Momma and RIP Daddy’s doorstep…like go figure. Timing is everything…..

No matter how hard, they kicked the can, Momma and Daddy had a two child family – that third child seemed to allude them…but who knew…he was on his way…they knew him from the time of conception, nurtured him, treasured him, supported him emotionally, physically and spiritually over the coming years….because he was Itty Bitty’s (Momma’s sister) only child  and at the age of 24, with the passing of his mother, he became Momma’s third child….to have and to hold, from this day forthour Super Kid. RIP Daddy and Itty Bitty are waving with glad tidings, from Heaven. They got our backs, our sides, our tops, our bottoms....we just gotta have faith!

All we can say is Gods Plan, Gods Plan (Drake). Thank you, God.