
Recent pic of Momma and Her WonderBoy …. she consults him for financial success.

Momma was talking to our WonderBoy about going to see her Financial Planner and I asked (with my eyes, of course)…like what the heck is that…and she understood my query…because that’s a Momma’s speciality…or so it seems.

Apparently, you give your  hard earned money from over the years to a sound (but not high risk) Financial Institution who invests it for you at an agreed upon commission (nawthing’s free, as Uncle would say) who toss it in a pool with other investors…. (like copper pennies… make a wish…cross your fingers)…

Bears can tear you and the market to shreds.

Then you pray for a charging Bull Market…not a destructive Bear Market…but it is not like when Momma went out to work everyday and brought home a set salary (whether she applied herself or not – are you kidding…Momma would always apply herself or die trying…so she says).

With the Investing Scenario…you just never know…the tech world goes in a tailspin, your net worth drops.

China or India sigh, more trouble in the bottom line, the US President cancels trade deals, keep your head low….Should you stay the course or get the heck out of Dodge???  Makes me ponder where my next dog bones might come from? Should I, Jakita become a Working Dog?

Now can you just see me going out the door, waving buh-bye to Momma with a fanny pack strapped around my rotund belly, stuffed full of food, treats and bottled water.  I would be an excellent Sniffer Dog at the Airport because I have a keen sense of smell be it money, drugs and especially food and the bugs that come with it and a most aggravating bark to signal ‘I got a hit’ …then I heard those dogs only get paid in love and food…and I already have plenty of that from Momma and WonderBoy….without getting my fanny and pack out the door…..

Certainly I would be absolutely great at herding the farmers’ sheep, cows or even cats (lot of cat experience on my Resume) but most farmers are high on love and low on money…if the Federal Government can’t pay me at the airport, forget getting paid by farmers…deep sigh.

Okay, Okay I got it, I’ll become a Dog Model, walk the runway, strut my stuff, get in to advertising….a dog can make a killing at ads these days and everyone says I have a beautiful face, soulful eyes and a coat of fur that gleams and glistens from white to tan to various shades of brown, speckled with auburn and gold….just one problem…that rotund belly…I would have to diet…and well…that’s not happening…any time soon….

A Bull can charge with such speed, taking markets high. Fr: Morgue File: American Bison

Seems like there is only one solution….to give up Doggie Prayers for a Bull Run so that Momma’s portfolio will grow and I don’t have to bring in money to support the family…

So Tech World, no hacking, China & India, no sighing, Mr. President of the Free World, behave….Momma and I are depending on you…

(Oh, my)…. Worst.Idea.Ever.