Commencing Countdown, Engines On

Check ignition and may God’s love be with you..(Dave Bowie)

Momma has us all gathered around because she has a story to tell us….not really a story…no, a dream she had, she says. ‘Now, Jakita, you dream lots, did you ever dreaabout going to Heaven?’ asks Momma.

Like how does Momma know I dream?
Like how does Momma know I dream?

To begin with, correct me if I am wrong (not very often), aren’t dreams inside your head, the content invisible to all except the dreamer?  I am confused.  How does  Momma know if I dream dreams about chasing butterflies and romping with kitties?  Then there are those nightmares where big, mean slobbering dogs are chasing me, growling ferociously, their tongue hanging out, just about to pounce on top of me, when I mercifully wake up. Well, you know finger-on-the-pulse-Momma.  Apparently she can see inside my head and watch the dream unspool in my head.  But dreams about Heaven? Not so much, Momma.  I am a grounded Pedigree Havanese Aquarius, not a frivolous make-it-up-as-you-go-along mutt of questionable origins, you know.

Ignoring any offense intended, Momma tells her dream of both science and wonder that had happened years ago, before RIP Daddy died.  It had been a long day.  Momma fell into a deep sleep but was awoken by a translucent globe of blue at the foot of her bed.  Unafraid, she quickly sat up to better survey the ball of light which, like the earth’s path around the sun, was both moving forward and  rotating towards her.

In laid roses.
In laid roses.

In the twinkling of a *, Momma claimed she was sucked inside, instructed to spread her hands and feet, in a V formation, to touch the furthest points possible of the translucent globe.  It appeared to Momma that her body had become a bright white light, semi-transparent but clearly recognizable.  The globe continued its journey moving forward and  rotating, along a darkened path to an unknown destination.  Momma said she was more curious than traumatized, not even questioning, just enjoying the Tom Sawyer-like adventure.

All of a sudden, it was like a space shuttle re-entry to the Earth plane, as the globe materialized in to an aircraft, that pierced through the darkness to a land of dazzling white buildings, walls, and  inlaid marble stone.  Even all the inhabitants wore white togas.  Wait a second.  Somehow a white toga had materialized on Momma…and there was Grandmama and Grandpapa to greet her.  They were so thrilled to see her.  Still they made it clear, Momma had not yet earned her way to Heaven yet. Her life plan was not completed – there were things to do, places to go, all to be revealed in God’s good time.  So sorry but here is a Return-to-Sender Label, oh, and leave your toga for other In-bounds. Heaven is very Green – the 3R’s (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) rule Supreme, don’t you know! See ya later Alligator…in a while Crocodile….

Heaven's dazzling colors.
Heaven’s dazzling colors.

Just like that, no further explanation, Momma was awake in the dark, in her bed.  There was no globe ride home, no pretty lights.  Momma says had been allowed a peek so she could look forward to the treasures in store for the future.

Now, I am not saying I believe or that you have to believe, but you know our Momma, she swears by, it so that is good enough for me.

Come and Whisper In My Ear

Give us dirty laundry…..

Every family has its secrets…its own pile of dirt, swept under the front door rug.  Why would our family be any different? We may look normal….Momma may appear to be a nurturing soul and she is but…she crushed my spirit, a long time ago and part of me still clings to that memory….

Don’t get me wrong.  I love my Momma….and I know she would die on a  cross for me but true love never runs smooth….

Puppy Jakita
Puppy Jakita

You remember, after meticulous research, Momma knew she wanted a Havanese puppy….a black and white Irish PiedMale….Well, as it is plain to see, I only met one of these conditions….I was Havanese, but I wasn’t Black and White or a Male. Still doesn’t everyone want the Leader, the Puppy Einstein? I had attributes that should, could, would outweigh all other criteria.

The day Momma came calling, I  tried my utmost.  My hair was a bit shaggy, growing over my eyes, my head a bit big for my puppy body but still I was cute….maybe not as cute as my completely sable sister but for some reason, Momma ruled her out anyway…but my black and white brothers were perfectly proportioned, with heads that fit their bodies and no fur to cover their sapphire blue eyes.  Momma picked me up.  I wiggled and squiggled in anticipation. I sniffed her neck and shoulder.  I licked her fingers. She put me back in my cage (what???) and picked up, my perfect Black and White Brother Fidel who cuddled  in the crook of her arm and gazed in to her eyes. How could I compete?

A handsome, loyal Angel Dog who was steadfast and true. We miss you Teddy.
A handsome, loyal Angel Dog who was steadfast and true, Teddy.

Still, there was a ghost in the room.  Momma had loved her American Eskimo Angel Dog Teddy who had caught his Blue Cloud to Heaven. She felt she was betraying him if she bonded with another.  Momma had to make sure she was ready to make a commitment to love and be loved whole heartedly again before so being an Analytical Virgo she left empty-handed to think, before she jumped in.

While Little Black and White Fidel was baffled,  my little puppy ♥ was broken.  I was so ready for my Forever Home.  Although my caretaker still fed brushed and bathed us, let us out the cage to run around, it did not feel the same. Did I did not measure up? Had  I failed some Unknown Test of Life that you can not study for?

You know this story had a HappilyEverAfter Ending because after leaving empty-handed, Momma came back for me a week later. Now I live the Life of Riley with walks, homemade top of the line food, lots of fresh water, baskets of toys, dog pillows and so much love.  Some people may even say I am spoiled…well, just a little.

Just the other day, Momma came in from shopping.  I was sitting on the back of the couch in the sun room, waiting for her to return because, well, I miss her when she goes out….

Six year old Angel Doggie Jakita
Six year old Angel Doggie Jakita

and you know what she said? ‘There’s my Angel Doggie, how are you, Angel Doggie?’  My  melted. I knew… I no longer have to compete with Angel Dog TeddyIt may have taken six years…. but all is forgiven, Momma.


Pretty Woman…Are You Lonely Just Like Me?

Some kitties are born to bone china food dishes and a Water fountain supplying never-ending fresh water  and then there are the rest of us…tossed about on the waves of life, not even a surf board to get us back to shore.

Truly, I can’t say when, where, or how I was born.  Maybe I am a dim kitty but my first memory is being in a cage with my sister and two brothers, in a pet store, customers ooooing and aaahing, sticking their fingers in the cage to get our attention….but I was shy, not completely trusting, so I stayed back from the well-intentioned but scary folk. I had this feeling…..they weren’t here for me so I was kind of standoffish….

Grey Bro & Ginger Sis From File#1951244374549 gracey
Grey Bro & Ginger Sis
File#1951244374549 gracey

When the cage was opened and prospective customers wanted a kitten to cuddle, well, you guessed it…I was never chosen.  It is not like I was an ugly duckling…I looked very similar to my sister, gorgeous, fluffy, and ginger striped while my male siblings looked the same, only different shades of grey striped. We were irresistible but it seemed I was missing that magnetism to attract a potential buyer.

First my sister went to a  sweet little girl, with a tight little golden curl, right in the middle of her forehead which left me alone with my brothers who chased me, played with my tail, dive bombed me, then licked me all over to let me know they loved me….but one day, a few weeks later, a lady with intent came over to our cage.  She explained (almost apologetically) she had better luck with male cats.  They seemed more nurturing and appreciative not so disdainful and haughty.  But my brothers looked exactly alike, acted exactly alike so she could not choose….she took both of them…and I (the cheese) was left alone…..

The first few days, after my brothers went to their Forever Home, I actually celebrated my solitude…a cage to myself, no pesky siblings to maul me…it was paradise…a bit lonely, but paradise.

3X's A Lady From Image 3162 hotblack
3X’s A Lady
Image 3162 hotblack

But as days grew into weeks, in to months, I grew bigger…not so many customers stopped by my cage…apparently I was outgrowing my kitten stage and losing my appeal.  It was too sad.  Did nobody want me? Would I ever get a Forever Home?

Then one day, the bell jingled on the door, as it opened.  I didn’t even stand up.  It was no use. Still footsteps approached.  A Pretty Woman got down on her knees, at my cage, purring softly.  I got up slowly, stretched and approached her outstretched finger.  She told me in a soft voice that her kitty had caught a pink cloud to paradise and she could just feel my kindred soul.  I trembled as the cage opened and she picked me up.  I was so ready, with purrs and kisses all over her pretty face.

As we were leaving the pet store owner told the Pretty Woman he was glad she was buying me because he was getting another batch of kittens and no one wanted a six month old cat when there were eight week old kittens to buy. 

Pink Clouds to heaven
Pink Clouds to heaven

I like to think that the Pretty Woman would have chosen me even if there were cages of kittens to entice her because we were kindred souls.  It seemed I waited a long time to find my Forever Hombut I believe the Planets had to move, the Stars had to align, the Moon had to wax and wane until the pink cloud came collecting.  Then and only then could my Pretty Woman give her  to me and  I could show my never-ending devotion to the person put on the Earth just… for… me.

Go Ask Alice, When She’s Through it All

So sorry, but Momma’s sister, Itty Bitty, like Alice in Wonderland has gone chasing rabbits down an unknown rabbit hole and until she comes back, Momma will be at her bedside in the Intensive Care Unit where an induced coma and a machine to breath for her, keeps her tethered on Planet Earth….

Itty Bitty - before
Itty Bitty – before

Thanks for understanding…can’t wait to tell you about the Rabbits Itty Bitty caught in that black, black hole, in her pursuit home.

So soft, so sweet.  Who could be mean to a little white, fluffy bunny rabbit with pink stick-up-straight ears? From  IMG_7421.JPGBy xandert
So soft, so sweet. 
IMG_7421.JPGBy xandert

And if you go chasing rabbits….And you know you’re going to fall

Tell them a polka dot rabbit….Has given you the call

Go Ask Alice…..I’m sure she’ll know….Paraphrase: Jefferson Airplane

My Love Lies Waiting, Silently For Me

Momma says some times we can not help our rash depends on the alignment of the planets on the day you are born...apparently Zanny's chart was capricious.
Momma says some times we can not help our behavior…it depends on the alignment of the planets on the day you are born…

Every one knows by now my Momma is an organized control freak Virgo…Still there could be worse things in a dog’s life, I am guessing, especially for a dog with IMHA (Immune Mediated Haemolytic Anemia).  There are countless, routine blood counts taken, to make sure I am still in remission because I am not anxious to go back on steroids and cyclosporine or get blood transfusions, even if it means seeing all those high faluting Yummy Mummies with their exquisite blue blood designer dogs from Chokeville Oakville.

Super you see me, the pink one, no that one, not that one.
Super *…do you see me, the pink one, no, that one, not that one.

Hey, I am the Ultimate Earth Dog,      The Super * with a Pedigree, that unquestionably surpasses all takers and so much smarter, better looking …and so humble.

So today I was to go to my in-town (city) vet for a check up and blood test. Momma is always so impressed that somehow, some way, I always can pick out the exact glass door to approach, in a field of glass doors.  That is the blessing and the curse of having a velcro brain with exact recall. I don’t mind entering…I’ll even get weighed but please no temperature readings, no blood tests and definitely any diagnosis that may lead to surgery is verboten…got it???

As I suspected would happen, the Vet Assistant did all kind of rude things to me. Then enters Dr. Pony-Tail-Vet.  Don’t get me wrong.  He is gentle, kind  but you almost wonder…is there a Sales Target put in place by a Chief Financial Officer, given out to Vets to push, that  can only be achieved by using scare tactics on doting, naïve I-Would- Do-Anything-For-You pet owners?

Let’s face it.  Momma is the original Quite Contrary so when Dr. Pony-Tail-Vet said, I needed surgery on both knees, usually $3000.00 but for you just $2000.00, Momma gulped and said she would have to think about that…

New Do Rag for exemplary behavior at the Vet.
New Do Rag for exemplary behaviorr at the Vet.

I mean, in today’s world, there is so much information to be gleaned from so many Search Engines that it was a pretty safe bet, I would not have to endure the indignity of surgery as long as there are Naturopath Vets.  And…if I do have a knee problem, it explains why like white men, I can’t jump…but I am not so crippled that I have trouble going up and down stairs.  I am not at a point when I am limping, feeling too stiff to walk (well, sometimes – fleetingly) nor do I whimper or whine in response to pain so…. hold the phones before you get out those scalpels, Dr. Pony-Tail-Vet. One thing I know is Momma doesn’t like hands in her pockets so to speak… and she has my furry little back…

When I am at the Vets, I read the signs, for sure, no kidding. When it is blood test time, I head to the glass door to escape.  The Vet Assistant chases behind me and I bolt over to Momma, my eyes screaming, ‘Save Me.’  Now another staff member joins in the chase, trying to drag me to the lab, while I do the two hundred pound glued to the floor routine.  In desperation the Vet Assistant stoops down, picks me up and it is off to the lab.

My love lies waiting, silently for me…
My love lies waiting, silently for me

Like an Angel, I stop fighting, so that the procedure will be over as quickly as possible.  I am lifted down to the floor and I totally race to Momma, like a puppy, so anxious to be gone, home where my love lies waiting, silently for me…

The staff tell Momma I was as good as gold…of course I was…I have my pride and I am the Ultimate Earth Dog, The Super * with a Pedigree, don’t you know….