Skating Moms

Rough start to the day...By: ranbud From: Morguefile
Rough start to the day…By: ranbud From: Morguefile
Better after morning coffee...By: earl53 From: Morguefile
Better after the morning coffee…By: earl53 From: Morguefile

Skating Moms…Look like a Wicked Witch and a Beauty Queen … on the same day…

Skating Moms…Can sew on a button and register a tape…While carrying on an informative  chat with the Coach…At the same time…

Skating Moms… Have an extra bauble for the ponytails… Spare gloves without holes… Skate Polish and Covers… At all times…

Skating Moms… Hug the Winners… Console the losers… Question the Judges decisions… Like, every time…

Win or lose...the show must go on....
Win or lose…the Show must go on….

Skating Moms…Pack their SUV’s  with skate bags, scribes and kids… Heading off to the next competition… Going everywhere and nowhere… All the time…..

You Know What I Mean

Momma says, she does, if that Awards for Level of Sanctimony are ever passed out , I would do exceptionally well…like if they were handing out Gold Medals for it, I’d have a fistful….but is it my fault that it seem some dogs are inferior to me…just asking… no need to answer... it’s purely a rhetorical question.

La Belle Dame with the freaky BLUE Eyes!
La Belle Dame with the freaky BLUE Eyes!

I‘ve mentioned La Belle Dame Husky Dog before…. beautiful, spirited but brainless …she hauls her poor Momma around as if she was going for the Blue Ribbon in an International Sprint Dog Sled Race…Slow down, La Belle Dame…you are not with a team of fellow Mush Mush compatriots.  Your poor Mama is lifted off her feet, Gone with the Wind like a scene from Wizard of Oz.  My Momma and Wonder Boy just shake their heads at the site. They fear for her safety.  Maybe your Momma should wear a crash helmet because, mark my words one day, it is not going to end well for her….like you give canines…a bad name! 🙂

Then there are your other odd and seemingly untrainable habits.  You know we have cats, cats who are Indoor/Outdoor Enthusiasts but still cautious and wily.  You plunk yourself down in front of our gateway, longing for an encounter but you are out of luck because the cats can smell your intent and stay far away, but in view, just to taunt you.

Bunny Family From deemac1
Bunny Family

Then there are the cute little bunnies who seemed to have doubled, tripled, quadrupled this summer (like flash floods…LOL).  They languish in our gardens, eating our brightly coloured roses and tulips, on our lawns, eating the clover, even nervy enough to hop up the front steps and rest on the veranda a while.  Our cats look at them, ‘Are you for real…in bygone days when Beau Beau lived, you would have been toast.’  The Pink Eyed, Long Whiskered Bunnies look as if to say…. ‘What’s your point?’….and take off, pushing, under the black link chain fence, across the road, down the grassy knoll, disappearing into their Green Conservation Home….but they’re trouble…they’ll be back.

One sure thing is La Belle Dame is even more obsessed with Bunnies than cats.  Whenever she feels them, sees them, hears them, she will plunk herself down in the middle of our two lane street, her head on swivel tilt so she can see some in the garden, some in the clover, others darting in and out the fence…. meanwhile her Momma is pleading with her to get up, at least over to the sidewalk while cars whiz by, either side of her, some amused (been there, done that) while other driver make rude hand signs…obviously they need their coffee fix…like now!

Sanctimonious Jakita...
Sanctimonious Jakita…

Your poor Momma.  I am pretty sure my Momma would have a solution to those problems….just a disappointed look from her and I feel utterly chastised and in the dog house…:)

Now when I daily encounter this and other dogs who are so sweet but so clueless, (but I don’t judge…honestly…) maybe I do look sanctimonious ….. I know, I know….you think the owners need training but La Belle Dames’ Mama is absolutely devoted, did the best she could…then probably put the rest in God’s Hands who is so busy with real life catastrophes that he’s got no time left over and expects the Earthlings to step up! We are on it God…really!

A smiling Jakita....
A smiling Jakita….

Still, I can smile, I do smile….it is just that there has to be an occasion…not my fault they are few and far betweenMaybe I’m just like my MommaShe’s never satisfied (Prince)… Well, she’s a Virgo, you know….know what I mean…..

You know, know what I mean….