Coaches Kiss & Cry

The Fifties on Ice!

The Coaches are looking bewildered… Can you see that look in their eyes…..Did they ever give your kid…Permission…To use that outrageous   hair dye???

Okay, Blue Jays…Let’s Play Ball!

And what’s with that God awful hair style….Poor Coaches….Must drive them just insane…But Thank goodness, I got it in writing….I know they are already there…

Bunny Family

Why would they eat so much junk food…. As parents have ya never chastised them… Coach you’re doing such a fine job…. Interference would only add problems…

Our Wonder Boy is just dandy (in our eyes)…thank you.

So Coaches, I’ll make y’all a promise….I won’t blame You…If you don’t blame me….When you have children…I’ll remain silent….As they decide what THEY wanna be…..