Think of Me


White, grey, then dark clouds, foretell of things to come...
White, grey, then dark clouds, foretell of things to come…
Listen to the whistle of a lonesome train...
Listen to the whistle of a lonesome train…

Think of me…When the clouds hang low…Threatening to place….Your Life on hold.

Think of me…When you feel the rain…Or hear the whistle…Of a lonesome train.



Secrets buried under thw snow.....
Secrets buried under the snow…..

Think of me…When winter brings snow…Blanketing the earth…Keeping secrets close.

Think of me…When you hear the wind…My spirit’s soaring…I am with you still.



Twinkling Stars... From IMGP3873.jpgBy earl53
Twinkling Stars…
IMGP3873.jpgBy earl53

Think of me…When the sun is high…Nurturing your future…Helping you to fly.

Think of me…When you see a star…Twinkling and shining…Calling, from afar.



1958 to 2017
1958 to 2017             RIP Itty Bitty
1949 to 2012. RIP Daddy....
1949 to 2012.
RIP Daddy….

Think of me…I’m up above…Guiding your footsteps…Sharing in God’s love.

Think of me…

Just Walk Away

The beauty of the gardens along our walk can be upset by ill mannered dogs and their owners.
The beauty of the gardens along our walk can be upset by ill mannered dogs and their owners.

So as we are walking along, my Momma and I,  we see them…all kinds…taking up space, in an already crowded world…but then again…who am I to say, you ask?  Let me tell you more…about…. The Birds and the Bees and the Flowers and  the Trees…and Momma.

More often than not my Momma in In-Her-Own-World, possibly thinking outrageous things like…who decided blue was bluethe skya scientista farmerwho knows what goes on in her distracted mind??? 

As we meander up, down and sideways (sometimes), my 360 degree head tilt  is firmly in place. With my exaggerated  ability to smell and hear at extremely long distances, I spy well dressed Jim-Morrison-Would-Be bearing down on us, with a pent up amount of tall tales to tell…if only we have the time to stop and listen…seems we don’t…

Me and my Momma....out and about...
Me and my Momma….out and about…

Momma’s polite, yet stiff upper lip response to Jim-Morrison-Would-Be’s overtures are as noticeable as if she took out a Billboard over there on the 401 where trapped motorists read them just to pass the time as they wile away in the Stop-and-Go Traffic…(mostly stopped).

Then I see Rocket Man approaching on his Scooter, with his non-descript scruffy looking grey brindle terrier that I call Groucho because he has a very poor attitude even for a male dog….but I like the Rocket Man who aces at scratching my ears and apparently Momma doesn’t mind him either, because she actually manages a rather limited, maybe three or four sentence conversation with him.

As we head on up the street, I see the Silent-One hit the sidewalk with his big old mixed retriever who plods along as if he is only going out for this walk just to please his Master…they both appear frightened of me and Momma because every time they sees us coming, they automatically the street.  Momma tried nodding at the Silent One…who is  not only silent but it seems even a social nod is beyond his ability…not sure what is going on with that, but the people he live with will greet Momma so…guess the Silent One has taken a Vow of well…Silence.

But the most dangerous Two Footed we might meet are Bikers on the sidewalk, silently approaching full tilt, as if racing in the Cycling Team Pursuit in the Olympics for the Gold Medal….You are lucky …most fortunate indeed, if they are approaching you…not coming up behind you, expecting you to jump off the sidewalk at the same speed that they are cycling. 

Case and point, a couple of days past, two students on bikes were approaching…the first bike rider (a teenage girlie, no less), barreled straight for us. Even though we had flattened ourselves like Sylvester as in games with Tweety Bird, to the side, we had to jump off the little space we occupied on the sidewalk, to someone’s lawn.  The second rider, a young male, obviously embarrassed, realizing why some bikers get bad raps, slowed his speed and thanked us for moving over.  Some Momma’s do a fine job of teaching their children manners…in this case, good manners..

From where and how I stand....
From where and how I stand….

From where I stand (on my lofty Know-It-All-Ladder-of-Life), seems Momma relishes the days we go walking wherein it is only us and Nature, wandering around a world devoid of the living, breathing, aggravating Two and Four Footed…where, if you listen closely you can hear trees whisper, see flowers dance, listen as rocks scream out, ‘Look at me’…..making you One with the Universe…focused, inspired, rejuvenated …at peace within the core …forever more.


I feel ya, Moma, I feel ya….more of  that…less of them .. works for me!

So Happy Together

Me (ginger with my grey bro) the day) From File#1951244374549 gracey
Me (ginger with my grey bro)…in the day)
File#1951244374549 gracey

You remember me…the Store Bought Kitty that the Pretty Woman gifted me with my Forever and Ever Home….As well as being pretty (I hate to brag, but like me, she is gorgeous), she has indulged my every whim and wish, from soft and crunchy food, treats, little round balls with jingle bells inside, cap nip,….you name what any cat desires and it is mine…all mine.

Just to put it out there, one thing I am not so crazy about are those trips to the Vet….though the Pretty Woman says it is all good for my long-term survival rate (what’s that, again?)…still there are all those other pets that come and go, bark, whine, slobber and hiss…It rattles me, even if I am snug in my little carrier where no one can touch me…so says my educated, yet sensitive Pretty Woman.  With my overactive imagination I see and feel a clawed paw reaching in, pulling me through a little 1 inch by one inch wire mesh opening…But a girl has got to do, what a girl has to do, so I put up and shut up, drink the koolaid…so to speak.

We are family....
We are family….

Now the Pretty Woman reads a ton, investigates thoroughly and has decided, with her long work hours, it is in my best interests to have a companion.  Somehow, she stumbled on to that Hotdogcoolcats Blog and it has her all stirred up…she has come to a decision after careful consideration… the Pretty Woman wants my input .. between you and me, how much weight it will hold, once her mind is made up, is questionable.

Yes, after much research, the Pretty Woman has decided I need a puppy dog companion, young enough that I can take the dominate role, at least until he or she have their wits about them….and sometimes that could be never. The Pretty Woman explained to me dogs are not as easy to train as cats so that first year can be full of unwelcome surprises….sounds high maintenance to me.

If we got another cat, unrelated and possibly untethered, he/she might be like the Forest Freak (I hate that story) or Hissing Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte (Charlie) who has a rocky relationship with Bad Boy Andy…then there is the Diva Calico Gen always paw ready to slap you in the snout….Puppy Jakita is so peaceful and loving in comparison…unless you jump on a table or counter, then she’ll tackle you the minute your paws touch the floor….or she will tattle on you if you are misbehaving…otherwise it is like living with Mother Theresa, such a kind and gentle soul she is.

Pretty Woman's Pretty Kitty From Image 3162 hotblack
Pretty Woman’s Pretty Kitty
Image 3162 hotblack

Well, hold the phoneslet’s not do anything rash…let me give this some thought…I suppose if we could find a Puppy Jakita….it’s just that…you know….just that….

Me and you and you and me…No matter how they toss the dice, it had to be…The only one for me is you, and you for me….So happy together. (The Turtles)….

So let me sleep on it, Baby, Baby…..