A Closed Door

An impenetrable door... Fr: Morguefile By: Kconnor
A Closed Door… Fr: Morguefile
By: Kconnor

I am A Closed Door….You cannot see through….            Or over or around…I yield few clues as…                Doctors try in vain to…Push open the door               …Even a wee bit.




The Wall... you can't get over or under...Fr: Morguefile By: Lisaleo
The Wall… you can’t get over or under…Fr: Morguefile By: Lisaleo

  Still I stand firm…For all to face…                                      My exterior only…Which looks approachable…              But remains impenetrable.





Itty Bitty...the pain etched on her face, sporting a Patty Duke 'do'.
Itty Bitty…May 30, 1958 to November 25,10`7.

 Some erect walls…For others to scale…                             But me…I am…A Closed Door…..

The strife is o’er, the battle done; The victory of life is won; The song of triumph has begun. Alleluia, Alleluia.(Psalter Hymnal)




BOLO (Be On the Look Out)

APB   (All Points Bulletin)

MIA:  (Missing in Action):    Sir Clem Cat

Aliases:   Sir Clement, Clem Kadiddlehopper, Clemmers, Clem

Last Siting:  June 21, 2017

Just the Facts: Clem came for breakfast June 21, 2017, jumped on the table at the front door, waited patiently for the door to be opened and slipped way,          never to return.

Our Lament:

Who could not ♥ me?
Who could not ♥ me?

Oh our darling, oh our darling, oh our darling, oh our darling Sir Clement ….You are gone, maybe lost forever…Dreadful sorry Sir Clement….

Drove the ducklings to the water….Every morning just at nine…Hit his foot against a splinter…Fell into the foaming brine….All the Kitties that fought with him…Soon began to peak and pine…Think they oughter join their feral….Because one day all cats will shine….

We never knew it was Goodbye...
We never knew it was Goodbye…

Oh our darling, oh our darling, oh our darling, oh our darling Sir Clement ….You are gone, maybe lost forever…Dreadful sorry Sir Clement….  (Paraphrase Percy Montrose)

PS:   If anyone sees our Clem out there, please  tell him we love him, we miss him and we will never ever forget him♥♥♥ The Ultimate Earth Dog Jakita, Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte, Diva Calico Gen, Bad Boy Andy, Wonder Boy and Momma.

I Dreamed of Her Again Last Night

Is to love me.... Fr:Morguefile By: jdurham
To know me…Is to love me….
By: jdurham

I dreamed of her again last night……Her blonde shiny hair….Fell upon her bright jumper….And she flung her arms around my neck….And said…’I love you Auntie’…


Lovie, post radiation.
Lovie, post radiation.




My father often says he wishes….He could bring her into his dreams….It would make it seem for a brief time…He had her back again…

Ah, but I am the Lucky One….I dreamed of her again last night……

Making It Work, Takes a Little Longer

Charlie going over her 'To Do' list....
Charlie going over her ‘To Do’ list….

Sometimes…all it takes is a single grain of sand to tip the Scales of Justice…oh and fulfill a ‘To Do’  item or a Bucket List…just ask Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte (aka Charlie). Of course it takes Courage and Bravery, two Kitty Badges Charlie has worked hard to achieve as she watched the world catapult on around her at a break neck speed….so fast, she could never make it on the revolving Carousel of Life…or so she thought…till it happened.



It started early on, back at the Cat Colony when poor old tired Mama Cat had little time for the niceties of Motherhood.  There was no Yuppy Momma to put food and water down in shiny, washed daily food bowls.  No, Mama Cat had to go forage around Garbage bins, the best ones being at the Tim Horton / Wendy’s Outlet…one drawback, you had to cross six lanes of whizzing traffic, all the drivers late for work or late going home, or so it seemed…  Kind of like crossing a field of landmines… Only the most strategic and strong cats made it back in one piece. Quite understandably, when Mama Cat returned to the nest, she was frazzled and tired. There was little nurturing poured on to her …and Charlie, shy and undemanding, waited her turn, only advancing after all the Alpha Kitties had their fill.

You can see why Charlie,  a loner, was intrigued when Momma stalked her for days instead of just scooping up the friendly kitties.  Once Charlie was introduced to her Forever Home, she made a vow to herself…she would never walk out the door again…an Inside Cat by Choice…let the other Cats go Out and In and In and Out.  Charlie may have been a tad paranoid but she had her brains about herDanger in the form of the Four Footed or traffic, lack of food, fighting the heat of summer, the cold of winter was not her Thing.   ‘So shut the freekin’ door….I am not going anywhere’ , her expressive green eyes screamed.

Cat Mandu looks so innocent...but she was a psycho cat....
Cat Mandu looks so innocent…but she was a psycho kitty….

Everyone knows Charlie came under the influence of The Quite Mad Mandu Cat because, well, Cat Mandu befriended her, yet, at the same time, deserted her to live her own life … Charlie only got a life when Cat Mandu caught her Pink Cloud to Paradise…but wow, in a few years Charlie is the prettiest Butterfly a Caterpillar ever produced.

With Cat Manda Gone.Baby.Gone, Charlie moved freely around her Forever Home, staking Momma’s Bed as Home Base…still she had to somehow conquer the Living Room because…you live in there.

Don't let Diva Calico Gen fool you...she is Genviscious!
Don’t let Diva Calico Gen fool you…she is Genviscious!

Jakita, being the Baby of the Four Footed, and a privileged Ultimate Earth Dog had whatever couch she hopped on, or floor space she desired…no routine…just what suited her fancy on any given day.  Diva Calico Gen would grab a spot on the couch or the arm of a chair and swat any interlopers silly.



Jakita & Bad Boy Andy Making it Work
Jakita & Bad Boy Andy Making it Work…

Bad Boy Andy preferred the top of the cat hotel or a couch, often glued beside Jakita…



Hang On, Hang On To Me
Hang On, Hang On To Me……

Charlie she had her own devious plan…and it involved being an appendage to Mommaday and night, night  and dayit hurts to love so much, they saybut Charlie’s… making it workeven if it takes a little longer…