It’s All Just A Game

Win or lose…the show must go on….
Okay, Blue Jays…Let’s Play Ball!

So where will you be this weekend…..But the family all know by now….In some Rink, or a Ball Park,  Small Town, Anywhere…Second guessing the Refs and Judges….As they decide who won and who lost….

Far be it for mere parents  to distrust…Their ability to stick to the Guidelines…So how come the kids that break all the rules…Carry home every trophy in site….

Fund Raisers driving us loco… Fr: Morguefile

Parents can’t let that divide them….We got a lot of years to put in side by side….So let’s talk about fees this season…We’re paying too much, don’t you think….And what do you make of those parents…Who made such fools of themselves…Fund raising is just driving us ‘loco’.…Let me guess, you’re running  the Bingo tonight….

But could any of us still be called sane….Ambition just wearing us thin….Glorious highs then slammed to the ice…Wears out the best human being….

The sun, she’s gonna shine tomorrow….

Surely it is a good time to ponder….How realistic are some of our goals

The sun, she’s going to shine tomorrow…Kid, I’ll love you, no matter, the same….You don’t have to bring home no medal….In the end…It’s all just a game!