If You Could Read My Mind, Love

jakita-i-want-to-be-loved-by-youNow it took me a while, I suppose, but one day I actually figured out my purpose in life.  Don’t go all haughty on me.  Lot of  the Two Footed drift through the time their born to the time they die, without having a clueand the poor Born Again Christians swear you only get up to bat once.. scary stuff…. At least with the practise of reincarnation, you get do overs till you finally get it right. But I digress, (as usual).

As a puppy, I was all over the map.  Everything was both my Responsibility and my Calling in LifeFair Game and Fun Forever.  Drove poor, Virgo Momma, who only understood reason and logic, not see and react, quite mad…. at me mostly.  Looking at Momma’s scowl, I’d be left thinking…what have I done now? 

A Safe Bird's nest

If there was a bird in the tree, bark at it.  It had no right to be in that tree…or even to beSquirrels, front yard, back yard, in trees, scampering in the graveyard….like a cyclone on steroids, I was off, woofing and snarling, even trying to climb tree trunks.

Such a joy to watch the touch down. Their very beauty and colors mesmerize.

Bees and butterflies in the gardens were dispatched efficiently, even the  poor innocent ants and earth wormsif it lived…so could it die. Still my most traumatizing omission was to do a Bambi and bolt into the wind, ignoring commands to Stop, Stay or Come like they were meant for lower species who embraced Authority…not me… I was a Free Spirit, so it sucks to be you, Momma.

But give me a break. My Four Footed Mama Baby did not teach me what Two Footed Momma’s teach their offspring…maybe she would have … if…we had more than eight weeks to bond.  No, it was left to my Two Footed Momma anjakita-puppyd my Forever Home Four Footed Cats to set me on the path to redemption and I confess…it took years…like an all-consuming addiction, on again, off again and may the power be with you, Now and Forever.

So I am just wondering…there are dog trainers, assistants, coaches but is there like a three night a week drop in DA (Dog Anonymous) Meeting where you go to the front with your Master(ess) and confess your shortcomings…with the long-term goal set to get an addiction button that shows the world the length of time you have conquered your demons? The Two Footed are so Dog Crazy, the idea just might be viable. Maybe I am on to something…. think about it.

jakita-true-loveStill it wasn’t a DA (Dog Anonymous) Meeting I needed…No, I had to grow a conscienceto see the hurt in Momma and Wonder Boy’s eyes to realize, oh, oh, maybe I should not have done that.

Better I should pause, take a deep breath & ask, ‘What would Momma do?’