We’re Together Again…. Dream

It was a normal day.  The sun came up, the sun went down.  I was walked by Momma, the cats were let in, then let out, by Momma.  And somewhere as the night settled in, the Sandman came, sprinkling that magic sand, setting a family scene so heart warming, yet bending and distorting time, as only dreams can.

Jakita & Momma - seems Lovie inherited Momma's wild hair.
Jakita & Momma – seems Lovie inherited Momma’s wild hair.

On to the stage stepped RIP Lovie who had been a decade older than RIP Braveheart in reality (or as we knew it).  However tonight RIP Lovie was a wee damsel of four or five years, her long, curly blonde hair flowing down her back and RIP Braveheart was a handsome young gent of about twenty-five, resplendent in his kilt and daggerFunny stuff, those dreams.

Momma claims it was like an Arabian night, where the full moon was high and the stars hung low, twinkling, beckoning all takers to reach out a hand and pluck them from the sky.

At center stage was Momma’s niece, RIP Lovie and nephew, RIP Braveheart and to the side was a beaming RIP Daddy, proud that he had time travelled them, so nothing else mattered…WE were together again.

Plaid Rainbow dance apparel. Can you see the kilt, the silver / gold flapper, the soft pink colors.
Plaid Rainbow dance apparel. Can you see the kilt, the silver / gold flapper, the soft pink colors.

It seemed RIP Daddy’s task was to line up the music because RIP Lovie, in her long, gold flapper dress, with tassels of  entwined silver and RIP Braveheart, in his blazing kilt and black topcoat were ready to dance a jig, even jump over a sword, so happy they were to be together again… And Momma, of ‘come dancing fame, dressed in the lightest pink dress with layer upon layer of tulle, joined in, whirling and twirling in wild abandonmentt.

Grandmama & Grandpapa, their yout restored.
Grandmama & Grandpapa, their youth restored.


Now, Momma’s not sure, but still just for a few seconds she swore, when she squinted her eyes and opened her ears, she saw a young RIP Grandmama and RIP Grandpapa standing in the shadows, smiling with joy, clapping as the music filled the night air, pregnant with the promise of tomorrow.


Bad Boy Andy Wants Out
Bad Boy Andy Wants Out NOW.

And all it took was Bad Boy Andy, padding in to Momma’s room, emitting a dangerous 90 decibel meow to make the music halt, the RIP Party fade in to the star-studded night as the dream crashed like a meteorite, separating the known from the unknown, our world without end. Amen.


But nothing else matters.  They were together again, briefly, but still, together again.

Next time take me, okay Momma?

Simple Kinda Life Never Did Me No Harm

3rd in a Series: Also read:                                                                                                   Life in the Country is Kind Of Lay-Back                                                                           Fiddle When I Can, Work When I Should

As it was and should be, forever and ever!
As it was and should be, forever and ever!

Oh, there are many tales come out of country living and I am just the one to tell you.  I may seem sceptical but Momma wouldn’t lie to us, would she, Gen?

Some things, they have no beginning, no end. They just go

This is an awesome tale!
This is an awesome tale!

on and on and on, passed generation to generation, like your Christmas  turkey on a platter.  Such was the much ado about Molly Misfit’s Journal and the Secret Society for Scryers.

Like, on one hand, they might be a bunch of crack pots who knew nothing about nothing or worse case scenario, they might just know the secrets that everyone hoped and prayed would be taken to their grave, without ever seeing the light of day.

The very scary reality was, since the knowledge of its existence, it was soon realized, there were no social-economic boundaries for admission.  You could barely read or write or be an a seasoned academic, a welfare bum or an elitist who would barely nod to recognize the existence of others.  You just needed ‘the gift’ to be invited to join.  Ah, it was an insidious cancer that had to rooted out once and for all, chased out of the county like a good for nothing bootlegger….but, on the other hand, ya know, one of your own kin might be involved…and blood is thicker, I’m just saying…..

Ripples in water can change your whole course in life for the better or the worse.
Ripples in water can change your whole course in life for the better or the worse.

Now the locals knew you don’t let the police in their neck of the wood investigate what they thought was a victimless crime. It was rumored that even if they saw a criminal commit a crime, they would hedge their bets, say they couldn’t really say for sure….it looked like the bad guy robbed the bank but, you know, who could tell if that was money in the bag he carried as he fled the scene. Oh, the cops could give Mr.Slow-Poke tickets or throw a body in the drunk tank overnight, but no where in their  Job Description did it indicate they were to beat the bushes for A Secret Society of Scryers (it was secret, duh???) and a mirror pool that conjured images of the past, present and future.

Odd shapes and colors that only Scryers can translate!
Odd shapes and colors that only Scryers can translate!

Maybe, just  maybe the locals should hold a forum, get it all out on the table, piece by piece and make a gigantic jig saw puzzle, so that a picture formed visible to all.  But where exactly could a meeting be held?  The mayor declined the use of the town hall.  At that time there were no arenas.  What about one of the local churches? There were plenty to choose from – Born Again Brethren, Anything Goes United, New Fangled Pentecost and of course, even the Catholic Church had members who were                                                                           reportedly scryers.

Well, the local priest was like a ‘see no evil, hear no evil, I wasn’t there it didn’t happen’ type. If a Catholic wanted to believe this heretical mumbo jumbo, it was on their souls.  It wasn’t like the Protestants embraced the idea, but they were a curious bunch.  That is why their own ancestors left the Holy Catholic Church so many years before.  Then, being  Protest-ants agreed to disagree and all set up their own doctrine.  More things change, the more they stay the same! And that is where it got very tricky.  Oh, those United would go to the Gospel Hall, the Pentecost Temple and  / or extend a place to meet for all faiths and even the unfaithful.  It seemed these left-wing thinkers did not understand that there were invisible lines in life you do not cross…and for a good reason.

Yes, the scryers had their secrets that Misfit Molly carefully penned down in her unknown journals until death-did-she part. No kidding, the locals had a pickle on their hands…maybe a whole bottle.  

The spooky mirror pool.....There definitely is something going on in there!
The spooky mirror pool…..There definitely is something going on in there!

Although it seemed like a reasonable resolution to explore the Secret Society for Scryers, it just tore the locals asunder as they struggled with nailing jello to the wall. Could it be the non members were all jealous? Whatever! They solemnly swore that by golly, they would get to the bottom of it or die trying….all they needed was time, oh and a place to meet.  What about our place Momma?


And The Dance Goes On

And she is sticking to it!!!
Jakita’s story….And she is sticking to it!!!

Now I am just a dog.  Still it is my sworn duty to report to anyone that will listen what I see, hear and feel….and this is a good one….I promise.

So it was the usual dog and pony show, Momma running around, dressed in a ratty black sweater that the cats like to suck on (makes you wonder, do they think it is their Baby Mamma?) and leggings that have become worn and torn from constant use. With the window cleaner in one hand, a cleaning cloth in the other, Momma was all set to find dirt to conquer.  She stopped in front of RIP Daddy’s 22 by 18 inch framed picture and started to polish the glass.  As she did so, I heard her talking to him, chiding him actually, about never dropping in anymore.  She knew, she said, he was busy with ‘other worldly’ tasks but still, would it kill him to give her some of his time (sound familiar yet, guys?).

Gliding, dipping, staring in to each other's eyes. From Morguefile.com Babzy_P8110029.jpg By Babzy
Gliding, dipping, staring in to each other’s eyes.
From Morguefile.com
Babzy_P8110029.jpg By Babzy

As I sat there, I could tell the joke was on her because, RIP Daddy was standing behind her, his hand on her right shoulder.  I can not say, if she saw him, heard him or sensed him, but to my surprise, she set the spray bottle and cleaning cloth down, put her arms out as if encircling his shoulders and then, there they were, waltzing around the room to the strains of the Blue Danube Waltz.

Momma had the most amazing dark blue ballroom gown, with a fitted bodice, and layers upon layers of a chiffon skirt while RIP Daddy looked dashing in his formal black and white.  Their posture was erect and perfect as they gazed into each other’s eyes.

Glittering, twirling balls of light. Dancefloor_Balls_ From Morguefile.com 1504 (2).JPGBy Alvimann
Glittering, twirling balls of light.
From Morguefile.com
1504 (2).JPG By Alvimann

Right before me, I swear, our living room turned in to a vaulted ballroom with glittering chandeliers and huge dance floor balls that shed pools of light and shadow, as they whirled and dipped effortlessly.  I was mesmerized, yet dizzy as I watched them encircle the highly polished hardwood floor.

All good things must come to an end though and it had to be Bad Boy Andy who would wreck the ambience.  He came in to the room, whiskers and tail just a twitching and watched in a kind of fascinated but incomprehensible fashion.  A meow that emanated from his very bowels pierced through the soul-feeding Blue Danube Waltz. Momma and the music stopped. Her Cinderella ball gown was replaced once more with her ratty black sweater and worn leggings. And to my sorrow, RIP Daddy seemed to evaporate in blink of an eye, the minute the music died.

Andy is transfixed yet unbelieving.
Andy is transfixed yet unbelieving.

And not one to miss a beat, Momma greeted Bad Boy Andy, asked him how he was and did he want to go outside? I was shuddering.  There is no understanding my Momma.  First she complains RIP Daddy never comes and when he does, she interrupts the process to let the cat in, let the cat out.

It is all too strange for me.  Momma always said poor RIP Daddy danced like a Douglas Fir Tree, awkward and rooted in place. Looks like he has figured it out now.  But RIP Daddy, he’ll be back.  And the dance can go on.

No Further Comments….At This Time

Yeah! Now that was a surprise. From Morguefile.com DSC_2502.JPGBy can131
Yeah! Now that was a surprise. Fr Morguefile.com DSC_2502.JPGBy

In this wide world of surprises…some good, some not so good, some downright nasty, it is always interesting to see what comes up in your comments.

A reoccurring comment that totally baffles Momma (anyone else get this?) is the one that says something like, how can I contact you, when it is obvious they are contacting you already.  What is that all about?

I mean, if they were at all serious, the Commenter would leave a valid email address or some such cookie crumb trail so that poor Momma could actually find out what is on their mind….like do they want to give suggestions (aka criticism – probably) or extend a book deal (probably not).  If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it is probably a duck or Spam, eh?

Then there are the comments that sound like gibberish, blended together by a computer who is not yet fluent in any language.

The Marvel of the mechanization of Morse's Code. From Morguefile.com By hotblack

Now, it may be Morse’s Code but although Momma is old (enough), she wasn’t even born till the 1950’s so she does not speak, translate or even have a clue what the message is.  Now, that new fangled state-of-the-art technology shown on the big screen or in TV programs, sometimes tries to befuddle you with what letter to keep, which to discard to get the hidden message but that is way above Momma’s pay grade…so we suspect more Spam, somehow sliding under the tried and trued anti-Spam security fences anchored in place, guaranteed to dispel this problem.

And it doesn’t stop there.  There are lots of so called comments hitting the site that are actually trying to sell you just about anything in the world from shoes, to clothes, to insurance….and SEO’s (Search Engine Optimization) tools.

It is all good! From Morguefile.com AlyaYasamaya
It is all good!
From Morguefile.com

Why you could spend a fortune getting more visitors who would probably try to sell you something you have no use for.  It seems the World of SEO’s is very keen on Momma’s blog going viral and are absolutely sure if she would just open her purse, her blog would be an overnight success…even though,  it is heavy in words and light in images…not a good thing for today’s world where visual stimulation comes from pictures, videos, anything but the written word.   You can’t fool Momma…besides she tried a free (of course) SEO and ended up deactivating  / deleting  it because it seemed to slow down rather than increase traffic. Anyone else have that experience?

Still, never despair, we tell you because Momma has a system (true Virgo that she is):

                                             Momma’s Comment   System

                                                     Deletes Comments                                                         1 Step only:    From everyone who wants to put a hand in her pocket and sell her anything.  There are too many hands in there already spending her money….and it is getting crowded….

                                                   Approves Comments

Step  1 -Sounds like a rational comment- no sales pitch (yeah)                                         Step  2 -Looks up IP address                                                                                                  Step  3 -Makes sure no Spam associated with IP Address                                                Step  4 -Discusses w/Jakita (true story)  / Responds / Approves

All this being equal, Momma can  use her discretion, follow none of the above four steps and approve your comment if she jolly well feels like it.  It is not really a democracy I live in.

I got no comment!
I got no comment!

Truly, Momma wants you to know she totally values your feedback and is tinkled pink to hear from you.  It makes her day to know someone, somewhere out there is on the same wave length….that she is not in a vacuum….

Once you hit that publish button, you never know what forces will suck up or catapult your heartfelt renderings….

And may God (and the Hackers) have Mercy on our forever faithful Blogging Souls.

Fiddle When I Can, Work When I Should

To quote, Charles Dickens, (and who doesn’t ☺), ‘It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.’  There were plenty of people in the small community who lived in fear, after realizing Misfit Molly’s Journals and Ledgers outlasted her.  Did she, could she, have something about…. them?  After all, truth be known, everyone has secrets that they do not want to see the light of day.  This place was a hotbed of the inappropriate and unfortunate.

Follow the path, turn to your right, walk 100 feet, take a sharp left...in to the unknown.
Follow the path, turn to your right, walk 100 feet, take a sharp left…in to the unknown.

Remember all those years ago Miss-I-Never-Did-Anything-Wrong-In-My-Life left town in a hurry?  You know there were rumors….like she left pudgy and came back thin.  Now, she was all legitimate, married to Mr. Investment Banker. Suppose he knew about it? Suppose it was foreseen and recorded accordingly in Misfit Molly’s journal? Shame. Shame. Double Shame!

And did you hear about the time, years ago, when the flag was removed from the local high school, then lit on fire?  Boyhood hi-jinx or treason, do you think?  The police were perplexed. No charges were laid.  Still, the talk was it was the captain of the team, who now happens to be….. our sanctimonious, law-abiding Mayor.  Do you suppose the Secret Scryers Society had been able to solve that mystery, even if the local police couldn’t?

What about the Fancy-Pants-Family, whose kids were too good to go to the local schools? Nah, they were sent to private schools where they lived on campus.   Where did the parents get all their flashy money? Were they part of an organized crime family?  Or maybe they were part of Witness Protection Services, buried so deep in the woods, even the bad guys would not find them? … Betcha the Secret Scryers Society could tell us the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

A distorted reflection of what we were, what we are and what we will be. From Morguefile.com p_mirr14_01a.jpgBy pschubert
A distorted reflection of what we were, what we are and what we will be, so help us God.
From Morguefile.com
p_mirr14_01a.jpgBy pschubert

Ah, but the locals knew. Without a doubt that magic pond, with  its smooth surface, shaded by the century old fir trees held secrets that only could be revealed to those with The Gift. And how delightfully rich it was to find out that Misfit Molly had found her road to infamy and was able to  get the attention in death, never bestowed upon her in life.

It was time to read those ledgers….but there is always someone taking the very joy out of your living.  It seemed the Secret Scryers Society was taking the town to court, trying to get an injunction in place to deny the town folk the right to read the Journals….something about a person’s right to privacy in life, in death, in death after life.  But never Kid a Kidder.  Everyone knew that the Secret Scryers Society did not give a fiddle about Misfit Molly.  No, they were all about the cause.  A lot of folks started to realize, it would be a long, protracted, bitter battle, with lots of scrying along the way, before the proof was in the pudding.

All we can do is....Look at the past, dwell in the present and hope for a future
Look to the past, live in the present and hope for a future.

But, hey, biding their time is a specialty in a one horse town. Sooner or later, Pandora’s Box would open. The good and the bad would hover over them to free the innocent  and to smother the guilty. It was worth the wait, even if it took till Kingdom come!

Life in the Country is Kind of Lay-back

Country folk, you know, they play the long game. You won’t see them posting incriminating pictures or videos on Facebook or Instagram.  No Twitter feeds for them.

Bank in gnarly tree roots where dirty deeds are stored for perusal if you catch me in a dire circumstance. Bank in the Wild Woods From Morguefile.com IGP2125W.jpgBy earl53
Bank in gnarly tree roots where dirty deeds are stored for perusal if you catch me in a dire circumstance.
Bank in the Wild Woods
From Morguefile.com
IGP2125W.jpgBy earl53

No, they see you, catch you dead right or wrong, in some compromising circumstance and they file the indiscretion, in their Dirty Deeds Bank so that they are one up on you, like a Guaranteed for Life Threat, hovering over your head, but hey, who is counting?

Still, this was top-secret…..so secret that one of your family or even you, may be aware of its existence, but you never divulged your knowledge not to your mother, father, sister, brother, best friend, the local police or even the parish priest.  You had the burden of the secret because the powers that had been given you….. the gift of scrying (or the curse),  the ability to see what was and will be,  depending on which way you tipped the kaleidoscope.

And so it came to be that when Misfit Mollie passed on, the bucolic country doors were flung wide open,  by the volumes and volumes, meticulously  written in cramped handwriting about the art of scrying and the members of the community who were involved, like the church deacon, the kindergarten teacher, the family doctor and the judge, who put your second cousin, twice removed away for twenty years on trumped-up charges.

The courthouse where the judge is king. All hail the king!
The courthouse where the judge is king. All hail the System!

Maybe the poor judge had been under the influence of the mirror image pool. Maybe, when he gazed in to the pool, he saw strange, inexplicable moving shapes. Maybe he thought his real calling in life was to help the hopeless move to a looping netherworld to await rescue by the Secret Society of Scryers and Oddballs.


Homemade bench where the SSS meet before going to their Mirror Image Pond. No one is allowed to go alone because translating images is a team effort.
Homemade bench where the SSS meet before going to their Mirror Image Pond. No one is allowed to go alone because translating images is a team effort.

It was shocking, unbelievable but…..where was that mirror image pool? Maybe it was time to take a gander, to see what all the fuss was about, you know…..because no one really believes in those back woods ways, do they?

Misfit Molly, well, that was understandable, no one in the town had much to do with her.  She needed something to fill her days…..but the judge, the deacon, the teacher, the doctor.  ‘What is this world coming to?’ they wondered.

Once the town police got a hold of the story, it was up to them to decide if a crime had taken place.  Could charges be laid? Did money exchange hands?  On the surface, it looked like no harm, no foul, but what about the judge and the second cousin twice removed?  Was his sentence more divination than interrogation?

The first step was to approach the SSS (Secret Society of Scryers ) listed in Misfit Molly’s ledgers and ask for the location of the mirror image pool It was like the members had all been struck with amnesiaThey all gave a different location and none of them led to a pool, a brook or a teaspoon of water.

Look deep into the water. Do you see your past, present or future? Try squinting. That helps sometimes.
Look deep into the water. Do you see your past, present or future? Try squinting. That helps sometimes.

Seemed they had taken an Oath of Silence (that’s what Secret Societies do) and would rather face the local jailhouse than betray the cause.  Oh, there was a lot of digging to be done in impregnable territory before the truth (if the truth) would rise like a Phoenix and satisfy  the largely curious, yet mystified inhabitants who could not believe such chicanery had taken place without their knowledge.  But even more important….Could anyone actually see their past, present or future in a pool?

If it were so, just get out of my way.  Oh, lots to learn, lots to tell.  Country folk can be so conniving!



Living in a Strange New World

Now the Cool Cats and I were born in a civilized time, I would say.  Imagine not have television with modern resolution, quicker imaging, full cable service, and the best yet, Netflix. That is why I know, without a doubt, Momma is old, because when she was born, the radio was the entertainment box where you listened for weather, some skits performed by faceless actors, news, both local and world, a variety of music from diddly to country to current (no Top Ten at this time, in this region), oh, and the local death announcements.  How bizarre, how bizarre!

On Saturday nights we could tune in to WWW.Wheeling, West Virginia to hear those sad honky tonk songs. From Morguefile.com Radio stare 2.JPGBy mzacha
On Saturday nights we could tune in to listen to WWW.Wheeling, West Virginia to hear those sad honky-tonk songs.
From Morguefile.com
Radio stare 2.JPGBy mzacha

Therefore, it was no wonder it was a very big deal indeed, according to Momma,  when the first television arrived in homes, especially in the country, when the only fun happened on the radio or at the church social, back in the 1950’s.  The idea of having a box in your living room that showed people, and programs from all over the world, was more than a country brain could comprehend.

When one of the small community  got a television, the ‘have not’ children (or so they thought) were pea green with jealousy and curiosity.  They would wait till it grew dark, walk down the road and surreptitiously, peak in the living room window.  The lights were off, but they could tell that the TV was on because the room was bathed in a blue hue.  The lady of the house, (a June Cleaver double),  always saw them (and probably heard them) standing out at the window, so would graciously usher them in, tell them just take off our shoes and go sit on the couch to watch TV.

In those days, television stations that were accessible came from the Maritimes.    Most of the day, the screen had a test pattern, with news and shows only in the evening.

We could sit and watch snow on the screen for hour. Somehow it made us feel connected to the rest of the world out there. From Morguefile.com IMG_0240.JPGBy preetnan
We could sit and watch snow on the screen for hour. Somehow it made us feel connected to the rest of the world out there.
From Morguefile.com
IMG_0240.JPGBy preetnan

Overjoyed by the ringside seat, they would go and sit in awe, watching ‘snow’ or a silent Test Pattern of a First Nation’s Chief Brave, in full Head Gear.




A few minutes later, the neighbor lady would tell them they’d better leave now, or their mothers would worry about them, so the children would thank her and walk back home, dissecting what they had seen and how was it even possible.  No one at school ever taught them anything that was relevant in the world they lived in.

By the time most families had television, the TV stations had full programming. By now, it was old hat, so they no longer questioned the why’s and the wherefore’s. Yet still it was very gratifying at the end of a day to tune in to some one else’s reality and dream of being anywhere accept the place you lived.  It was food for the soul.

Changes were rumbling through the world and you’d better believe, even the country folk, had no intention of being left behind…………

Now it is not like changes stopped once television was born.  No, it has evolved at a fever pitch intensity so Baby Boomers have just had to get with the program…or be left behind.


Here I watch National Geographic Channel intently, where silky chickens befriend two legged puppies, and cats ride around on horses backs. This is the world as it should be, according to my Policies and Procedures for All Creation.
Here I watch National Geographic Channel intently, where silky chickens befriend two-legged puppies, and cats ride around on horses backs. This is the world as it should be, according to my Policies and Procedures for All Creation.

I am so glad Momma has stepped up because it is so relaxing to grab a spot on the couch and watch another world…the only thing that bothers me, well, two things, actually.  I hate when dogs bark on television.  Am I under attack?  Are they right here in the room with me?  And when the door bell rings on television.  I am fooled every time.  I super charge, out to the door, to drive those pesky interlopers off my property with my ferocious bark and Momma laughs at me.  I am never convinced she has full respect for what I bring to this family.

Starlight, Starbright

It came to pass that Momma and RIP Daddy took vacation, back to Momma’s place of birth, where things were not always what they seemed or even explicable, at times.

The baseball game was always a Right of Passage, separating the Men from the Boys, that you must endure (word chosen to relay Daddy and Momma’s poor attitude) at least one night of their vacation on the ball diamond or they may not be invited to the

Our annual bonfire at the beach. From Morguefile.com IMG_3598ed.jpgBy Dzz
Our annual bonfire at the beach.
From Morguefile.com
IMG_3598ed.jpgBy Dzz

Bonfire which could happen any moon lit night on whatever beach was chosen by the organizers, but kept secret to the last-minute (kind of like the Raves in Toronto where kids get on a bus with windows covered in order to keep the location a sworn secret from helicopter parents, who inevitably turned in to snow plow parents, as their kids mature). It was no normal game with teams.  Each person came up to bat, like live looping disco music and the guy with the most home runs for the night won. Lucky for Momma she was so bad they didn’t use her as a catcher or an outfielder.  She could not hit or catch a ball to save her soul but it was not for naught – at least Momma gave her fellow players something to laugh about.

Lanterns used to cast tepid light after the sun went down and darkness set in.
Lantern used

Somehow the subject of ‘remember whens’ turned to the night Starlight hit the ball out of the park.  Like a winged angel, she seemed almost airborne as she passed the bases, her long blonde pony tail flying behind her.  At home base she collapsed in shock because all these years and all those times up to bat and she hadn’t come close to connecting, before that night.

Starlite Starbrite Oct152010edit076 Fr: Morguefile  By: phaewilk
Starlite Starbrite
Oct152010edit076 Fr: Morguefile By: phaewilk

No one knew what happened to Starlight.  She had not been home, must be over thirty years now, the players all agreed. They all pondered and wondered what life had rolled out for her because everyone has their ups and downs, no doubt about that.

Could this be....The winged Starlight with a golden baseball bat.
Could this be….The winged Starlight with a golden baseball bat.

All of a sudden, from the players at the picnic table, there were gasps and excited voices, ‘Look, look out on the field. I don’t know if you can believe this, but I am told it was like a white light bathed the field.  There was, Starlight at bat. She connected with that fastball and sent it out of the park, over the trees to an unknown destination, and made her famous run once again, pony tail flying behind her, around the bases, home safe, to a cheering crowd.  And as quickly as the show started it ended, leaving all the players, Momma and Daddy as well, in the dark once again and speechless.

Has Starlight became our Starbright????
Has Starlight became our Starbright????

What had just happened?  Was Starlight still alive? Had she astro traveled when she heard the reminiscing?  Was Starlight a Starbrighin Heaven twinkling down upon them and thought that it would be fun to once again entertain them with a home run?

Please, if anyone can figure this out, let Momma know because it drives her crazy not being able to come up with a logical explanation.

And you know those Right Wing, Born again, No-Booze for Youse (but still fun) all-related-to-you-somehow-types never would talk about it again.  No, they all took the Fifth Amendment.  It was, like erased from their memory bank.  But Momma knows…. it still haunts them.

The Lonely Mansion On The Hill

It was an old house, a sad house, a dilapidated house, sitting high up on the hill, the doors sagging, the glass panes broken.  Sometimes, when we were out for a walk, Momma and I would pass by and I would beg her, ‘Tell me that story again. Momma’.  You know Momma.  She loves spinning tales.  I have long ceased trying to separate the Fact from Fiction because we all know how strange the truth can be.

Can you see the invisible fence around it? From Morguefile.com 1-IMG_2360.jpgBy Sgarton
Can you see the invisible fence around it?
From Morguefile.com
1-IMG_2360.jpgBy Sgarton

Many, many years ago a middle-aged couple moved from the city to our home town, bought a piece of land on the hill, built a house with the mountains behind them, the ocean in front of them.  They appeared gentrified and uppity to the local folks, as well as reclusive, so no one knew much about them, where they came from, if they had children. No, no one knew.

Somehow Mr. and Mrs. Uppity lived among them without blending in, which was unheard in this part of the country, where the neighbor’s knew if someone cut a tree down on your property on the second concession, without your permission.

Does Anyone Care? You betcha! The locals will report back to you who did it, when it was done and tell you to confront the culprit so he does not do it again! From Morguefile.com IfATreeFallsInTheForest.jpgBy gracey
If a tree falls in the forest, does anyone care? You betcha! The locals will report back to you who did it, when it was done and tell you to confront the culprit so he does not do it again!
From Morguefile.com
IfATreeFallsInTheForest.jpgBy gracey

It was like an invisible fence ran around their property that shielded the privacy of the Uppities and kept the locals out.  Sometimes you’d see the locals just standing on the road, staring up the hill, saying, ‘It’s a strange, strange world, we live in, when you may not even know who lives beside you.’.

Time passed. Mr. Uppity went to his  greater reward.  And Mrs. Uppity?  No one knows what happened to her.  Did she run away in the middle of the night? Did she head to the mountain for a stroll, take a wrong turn and become disoriented, entrapped forever in the deep, dark forest? Is Mrs. Uppity somewhere in that rambling old house, like down in the cellar, scrounging for potatoes, harvested the past fall or  up in the attic, digging through trunks of memorabilia? 

Or… was Mrs. Uppity from outer space conducting an experiment to understand human relationships, like marriage?  Was she one of ‘them’, in human form? Did the space ship come and ‘Beam her up, Scottie’, to report to the Space Alien Commander and Chief, once Mr. Uppity died? And could it be the Extraterrestrials that hold parties in the lonely mansion on the hill? What is that Momma? I never heard of Extraterrestrials before.  Later, Jakita, I’ll tell you what I have heard and saw, later.

Finally after many years, the locals scaled the invisible fence and peaked in the windows.  The supper dishes were on the table, dinner still on the plate, as if Mrs. Uppity left in a hurry. The closets were full of clothes, the beds made meticulously. Like here one moment, gone the next.

Over the years, things happened, no one will lay claim to.  The dishes were all broken and flung across the floor. The furniture has been ravaged whether by the Two Footed or the Four Footed, who knows? All the locals can say for sure is that it has been said every few years on a moonlit night, the lonely  mansion on the hill is flooded with g;owing lights.  Sometimes you can hear music and loud voices coming from the open windows.  Then as quickly as it started, it ends abruptly, and the very silence can deafen you.

Who would not love to live facing on ocean, backing on to mountains? From Morguefile.com Sillouhettes_1519.jpgBy dpawatts
Who would not love to live facing the ocean, as well as backing on to mountains?
From Morguefile.com
Sillouhettes_1519.jpgBy dpawatts

We never knew what to make of it, Momma told me.  No one could figure them out in life so it is a sure bet, we don’t understand them in death.

What a strange story Momma.  I got to tell Gen, Ruby, Tigger and Babby about the lonely mansion on the hillWe’ll wrap our heads around it and figure it out.  I promise.

Lady in Black

Momma has so many stories about folks she knew that sometimes it is hard to keep the names straight.  But this tale, well it was unique and it lingers in my mind, begging to be told again.

People said, they did, that Tillie was a simple soul.  But not so simple that she couldn’t entertain the Born Again Bible Thumpers with her innocent but outrageous acts. She arrived late in life to devout parents, who like Abraham and Sarah, longed for an offspring.  The prayers were answered and they were delivered, not Isaac, but Tillie who would be their steadfast companion until they joined their fellow saints in the sky.

Tillie ready for Chapel. graminblack.jpgBy bandin
Tillie ready for Chapel.
graminblack.jpg  By bandin From Morguefile.com

Tillie always wore black.  When she went to the Chapel on Sundays, she would be decked out in a black dress, with black shoes and a black hat covering her head. Monday to Saturday she wore a black skirt, an off white blouse and a black sweater or shawl with, you guessed it, a black shoes and a black scarf covering her head.  It did not matter if it was 100 degrees in the shade, and she was off to the beach, like a soldier, she wore the same colour outfit everyday as if it were her uniform, with medals for courage, on her lapel.

In ‘the day,’ if you lived in the country, there were no Wal-Mart and no eBay. You waited with bated breath for the Sears or Eaton catalogues  to arrive to see the latest fashions and day-dream about how fetching you would look in a certain cutting edge outfit that no one else in your town  would admit to even like.  Of course, Tillie only dressed in black so it wasn’t the fashions that stirred her heart.  No, it was the men that were for sale.  Tillie would study the catalogue and having Scottish blood, would look for the best looking bargain man and order him.  Then she would wait in breathless anticipation for the arrival of her order……but instead of the man she longed for, she was sent the suit he had been wearing.  Year after year, Tillie would order a man and got a suit which her parents Returned to SenderShould’t there be a law against false advertising?

Where you were Born Again ...and spent your Eternity. imm020_21.jpg By mettem
Where you were Born Again …and spent your Eternity. imm020_21.jpg
By mettem From Morguefile.com

There was another obsession that Tillie had, that amused and bemused the locals.  Since the land her parents owned was waterfront property, she would explore the shoreline endlessly.  One day she found a deep carved in bathtub-like rock formation that would fill with water in high tide.  Tillie’s bathtub was born.  She would parade as many locals as she could entice down to the beach to share her bathtub.  The only rule was you had to keep your day clothes on, no swimsuits allowed.  After all, she got out of her bathtub, soaking wet in her Monday to Saturday uniform so her guests would do likewise or not share the privilege of entering.  Since hot tubs have become so popular, do you think maybe Tillie was ahead of the Bell Curve?

On a grim, gray day Tillie was catapulted to her Greater Reward, where you get the man and the suit, the way we understand it.  The locals swear her spirit rests at Tillie’s bathtub.  They will be standing, looking in the water in the bathtub and it will ripple invitingly, beckoning you to step in.  And sometimes, as the sun sets and dusk’s shadows settle over the night, some locals swear they see Tillie, heading down the beach for a late dip in her bathtub.  But like a light that grows dimmer even as it advances towards you, look again and Tillie is Gone, Baby,Gone!

Can you see her? Can you feel her in the ripple of the water?bike_light.jpg By hotblack
Can you see her? Can you feel her in the ripple of the water?bike_light.jpg By hotblack  From Morguefile.com

Momma took me to Tillie’s bathtub once and I am sure that the movement of water was an invitation of sorts for me to tell the world we can not rule out possibilities based on a scientific data alone.  We must be ready, willing and open to receive……..