We’re Together Again…. Dream

It was a normal day.  The sun came up, the sun went down.  I was walked by Momma, the cats were let in, then let out, by Momma.  And somewhere as the night settled in, the Sandman came, sprinkling that magic sand, setting a family scene so heart warming, yet bending and distorting time, as only dreams can.

Jakita & Momma - seems Lovie inherited Momma's wild hair.
Jakita & Momma – seems Lovie inherited Momma’s wild hair.

On to the stage stepped RIP Lovie who had been a decade older than RIP Braveheart in reality (or as we knew it).  However tonight RIP Lovie was a wee damsel of four or five years, her long, curly blonde hair flowing down her back and RIP Braveheart was a handsome young gent of about twenty-five, resplendent in his kilt and daggerFunny stuff, those dreams.

Momma claims it was like an Arabian night, where the full moon was high and the stars hung low, twinkling, beckoning all takers to reach out a hand and pluck them from the sky.

At center stage was Momma’s niece, RIP Lovie and nephew, RIP Braveheart and to the side was a beaming RIP Daddy, proud that he had time travelled them, so nothing else mattered…WE were together again.

Plaid Rainbow dance apparel. Can you see the kilt, the silver / gold flapper, the soft pink colors.
Plaid Rainbow dance apparel. Can you see the kilt, the silver / gold flapper, the soft pink colors.

It seemed RIP Daddy’s task was to line up the music because RIP Lovie, in her long, gold flapper dress, with tassels of  entwined silver and RIP Braveheart, in his blazing kilt and black topcoat were ready to dance a jig, even jump over a sword, so happy they were to be together again… And Momma, of ‘come dancing fame, dressed in the lightest pink dress with layer upon layer of tulle, joined in, whirling and twirling in wild abandonmentt.

Grandmama & Grandpapa, their yout restored.
Grandmama & Grandpapa, their youth restored.


Now, Momma’s not sure, but still just for a few seconds she swore, when she squinted her eyes and opened her ears, she saw a young RIP Grandmama and RIP Grandpapa standing in the shadows, smiling with joy, clapping as the music filled the night air, pregnant with the promise of tomorrow.


Bad Boy Andy Wants Out
Bad Boy Andy Wants Out NOW.

And all it took was Bad Boy Andy, padding in to Momma’s room, emitting a dangerous 90 decibel meow to make the music halt, the RIP Party fade in to the star-studded night as the dream crashed like a meteorite, separating the known from the unknown, our world without end. Amen.


But nothing else matters.  They were together again, briefly, but still, together again.

Next time take me, okay Momma?